Tapestry after a cartoon by Pierre Daquin (dp), born in Paris in 1936
Woven by this artist (wrap in cotton, weft in wool and steel threads)
Edition 1/6, there is only one single woven copy
Weave number on the back of the tapestry
Woven signature of the artist
Bolduc on the back of the tapestry with the artist's handwritten signature
dp for Pierre Daquin
Pierre Daquin imposes a visual revolution through colour and form, a vision revisited graphically and technically of tapestry, traditionally in 2 dimensions.
Galerie Chevalier has been seduced by the approach and character of this artist who, beyond his technical mastery, has been able to breathe new iconography into his work. The simplicity and purity of the graphics, highly evocative thanks to the sensuality of the medium, shows that in terms of tapestry, the possibilities are infinite.